Two Sayings To Stop Telling Yourself

And what to replace them with

Bashar Salame, D.C


I talk to myself. There, I said it. Something tells me you do it too.

It’s an internal monologue mainly, but on occasion, the words can spill out.

With that bit of awkwardness out of the way, let’s talk to each other; about the things we say to ourselves.

We say all kinds of things: Where’s my phone? When should I have lunch? Where did I park? What’s George Clooney doing right now? My guess; looking for his phone.

Depending on what you say or how you say it, talking to yourself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There are benefits to be had.

Let’s be clear, I’m not talking about good enough, smart enough, Stuart Smalley style affirmations before a mirror. I’m thinking about those times throughout the day where it’s easy to run with negativity.

Whenever that happens, and you can’t escape it, you should definitely run, as in, physically, move. Outside of pharmacology, exercise is the quickest way to affect our mood.

It might be easier to simply avoid a few sayings though.

Here’s two sayings I avoid, and a few ideas on what to replace them with.

‘I feel like shit’

Just reading that likely depressed your energy and mood.

Imagine saying it, internally or out loud, over and over.

What we tell ourselves, our words and mantras, matter. Our inner voice can play an oversized role in how we think, feel, and act. According to healthdirect australia, positive self talk can improve self-esteem, stress management and wellbeing. It can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve body image, help with eating disorders, even reduce risk of self-harm.

You can simply replace ‘I feel like shit’, with something like, ‘I should recharge’. This allows you to either, take a break or exercise, depending on what works best for rejuvenating you.

‘I have the worst luck’

If you’re saying this at a casino, I have some bad news; the house always wins.



Bashar Salame, D.C

Chiropractor/Nutritionist/Triathlete. Restoring health — Enhancing Life. Beirut Born→ Detroit Bred